Thursday, October 25, 2007

October 25, 2007: Animals Around the World

I'm getting to know Jason Openo (via phone and email). He's past president of PNLA and current manger Whitemud branch . Yesterday I spoke with him about PD day and made arrangements to talk today. This morning we talked on the phone to bounce ideas off each other about his presentation. He had some great ideas once he understood what we were hoping to achieve with PD day. He also had some interesting book recommendations. I like his attitude: upfront, clear, excited.

I booked our room for our next SRC meeting in November and spent a fair amount of time categorizing the Animals Around the World websites with descriptions for WRC since that was recommended at the meeting. Once I had the categories I discovered I needed more sites to fill the categories.

Worked on getting the new batch of Family Language Kits into bins for an hour and a half. That part of the process always goes slower than I expect.

And then it was almost lunch time. And then came a mini melt-down in your office over something so silly as a misunderstood email. I recovered. Hope you did too. I'm alright. Sometimes there's just waves that crash in for a few minutes.

Doctor's appointment went fine although there was a wait and more examining than I would have liked.

Back at work, I attempted Director's Station to no avail because the password Tiina gave me didn't work. I hope it works tomorrow during the session.

Finished WRC websites for Vicky and SRC crew. Started composing letter to SRC contacts re: brainstorming ideas before the sharing session.

And that's the day. I do this so I can look back over time and be able to remember what I worked on when. It should also help me next year when I'm chair of SRC or still on the PD day team.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

My name is Linda Rose and I am the assistant editor of I am contacting you today in hopes of developing a relationship with your website; we have seen your site and think your content is great. is a purely informational site dedicated to the general Public. It provides a focal point on the Internet for Infection information.

I hope you show some interest in building relationship, please contact me at